Developing My Vision Board for 2024 with Tarot Card Readings


Venturing into a soul-stirring odyssey of self-discovery and personal evolution, I created a vision board for the unfolding year 2024. Infused with the mystical wisdom derived from tarot card readings, I fearlessly confronted challenges, embraced my core values, and skillfully composed a visual masterpiece encapsulating my goals and aspirations for the upcoming year.

The enchanting world of tarot card readings cast its spell on me in May 2023, and you won't believe where it all began ā€“ a Brewery pop-up event (because who can resist beer, right?). That's where I crossed paths with Ween, the mystical card reader who gave me my very first reading. I was blown away by how on-point it was, perfectly aligning with the chapters of my life. But here's the kicker ā€“ the cards threw me a curveball, hinting at entrepreneurship in my future. Entrepreneurship? That wasn't part of my grand plan; I was set on conquering the corporate world and being a boss corporate girly.

Curiosity got the better of me as time passed, and I started diving deeper into these readings. I went to Ween for guidance whenever I hit a roadblock or needed clarity. She is integral to my journey, especially during those "emergency" reading moments. Ween's insights are nothing short of amazing, providing crystal-clear perspectives on specific situations. Thanks to her, I've honed my intuition and learned to trust myself even more. She's like the secret weapon in my quest for clarity and self-discovery.

I'm a sucker for different perspectives, you know? So, about five months back, I crossed paths with Trish, and let me tell you, her energy is in a league of its own! Picture this: a company party, Trish is doing a reading, and bam ā€“ three cards hit the table. Her first words were, "Oh honey, you know how to make money." Now, that got my attention, and we clicked instantly. Intrigued, I decided to take things up a notch and booked a one-on-one session with her for a more focused approach. The excitement was real; I could practically feel the magic brewing!

Trish's style is all about action, no beating around the bush. It was crystal clear from the get-go that we were about to whip up some serious magic together. Can you imagine the possibilities of combining different perspectives and an action-packed approach? Spoiler alert: it's nothing short of extraordinary!

Embracing Self-Discovery Through Tarot

Drawing upon the wisdom of tarot card readings, I went deep into introspection and reflection. The guidance from the cards helped me uncover hidden truths, navigate inner struggles, and gain clarity on my path toward personal growth.

Personal Reflection

In the peaceful haven of my humble abode, I discovered solace within the profound wisdom of tarot card readings. Every shuffle and draw feels like embarking on a soulful journey, a profound exploration into the depths of my being. It's like gazing into a mirror that reveals the concealed truths within and guides me through the intricate labyrinth of my thoughts. Every session with Trish kicks off with this amazing energy setup. We gotta vibe check, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer. The moment Trish hits that sound bowl, it's like a wave of relaxation and energy washes over me. It's some real magic!

We dive into the real stuff - career, relationships, and any spot in my life that feels like running on slow-mo. Trish doesn't mess around; she helps me get unstuck and break through those stagnant vibes. It's like having a personal guide to navigate life's twists and turns.

Hidden Truths Revealed

Feeling a bit wobbly in the realms of relationships, career, and finances, I decided it was high time for a full-on reading. Enter the cards, the mystical messengers of truth. They spilled the cosmic beans ā€“ major changes were on the horizon, and breaking free from toxic cycles was the order of the day. Patience and embracing my power as a woman were key, and let me tell you, for an Aries like me, that's easier said than done. We're not exactly known for our patience; we want everything yesterday! Ugh, the struggle is real, but hey, I'm a work in progress, working on that whole patience thing.

Navigating Inner Struggles
Let's dive into the aftermath of that eye-opening reading and the countless sessions that followed. The cosmic curtain unveiled a truth I wasn't ready to face ā€“ a deep-seated fear of abandonment and an incessant desire to be chosen in relationships. Yep, that's me, the girl who cringes just writing about it. Turns out, every time I fancy someone, I morph into this self-abandoning, need-sacrificing creature, spiraling into an anxious abyss, questioning why they don't choose me. It's like a cringe-worthy movie plot, but it's my reality.

The cards, being the cosmic cheerleaders they are, kept pushing me to do the unthinkable ā€“ choose myself and love myself first. Breaking this pattern is no walk in the park, let me tell you. It's a messy, complicated dance, but I'm throwing myself into it with all I've got. Iā€™m facing the uncomfortable truths and trying damn hard to rewrite the script of my own story.

Clarity on Personal Growth

Gotta give credit where it's due ā€“ this journey of self-love has been a game-changer. Shifting my focus to loving myself forced me to build a life outside the realm of relationships. And let me tell you, it's been nothing short of exhilarating. I've channeled my energy into my own business, checked off the dream of traveling abroad, and embraced the awesomeness of being single. Seriously, the freedom is intoxicating! I'm doing whatever the fuck I want, whenever I want.

Creating this life of my own has been a revelation. I've forged my path, painted my canvas, and sculpted a beautiful existence that doesn't hinge on a guy meeting my needs. Sure, I'd be down for some unconditional love and safety, but guess what? I'm giving that to myself now. Talk about a power move! It's a confidence boost to know that I'll be just fine, with or without a relationship.

Lessons Learned

Let me share a podcast gem with you ā€“ the Women's Dating and Confidence Podcast by the amazing Amber Grubenmann. She's all about women owning their confidence and refusing to settle for anything less than they deserve. I remember tuning in and thinking, "Wait, being the chooser instead of just wanting to be chosen? That's a game-changer!" It felt like a foreign concept at first, but the more I listened, the more it made sense.

Thanks to some cosmic nudges in my tarot readings, the message became crystal clear ā€“ it was time to break the pattern. So, I started flipping the script. I'm not claiming perfection, but hey, I've managed to slash my time spent from a whopping 10 years to just 2 weeks. Now, that's some serious time savings! And it's not just in relationships; it's a life mantra. I've embraced the truth that I'm accountable for forging my own path. No one's gonna do it for me. It's about being mindful of where I channel my energy, listening to my own intuition, and being responsible for what I invite into my world. Choosing wisely, my friend ā€“ it's a life-altering skill.

Aligning Goals with Tarot Insights

Bringing the cosmic insights of tarot readings into the everyday fabric of my life has been a game-changer. I consciously aligned my goals with universal energies and intuitive guidance, crafting intentions that echoed the depths of my soul's purpose and values.

With this newfound wisdom, I decided to take action and breathe life into the lessons I'd absorbed. Every day, without fail, I dive into my journal, unraveling the threads of my emotions and pinpointing where my energy lies. I've even put together a FREE template, now available in my store, to guide others through this transformative practice. It's a deliberate choice, a daily commitment to align with my higher self.

My Year Ahead reading with Trish was a pivotal moment, offering a panoramic view of where I wanted to channel my energy for the upcoming year. Reflecting on lessons from the past, especially my tendency to repeat relationship patterns and cling to things that no longer served me, was an eye-opener. Together, we dove into the cards, uncovering what the next year held in store ā€“ challenges, inner power activation, cosmic guidance, and my personal theme for the year. It's a journey of self-discovery, intention-setting, and harnessing the magic that lies within the cards and my own inner compass.

Crafting My Vision Board with Tarot Wisdom

I used my creative expression to craft my vision board for the year 2024. Every image, quote, and symbol carefully chosen carried the magical essence of tarot insights, weaving together a potent visual tapestry of my dreams.

To make room for the new, I had to let go of the defenses and control mechanisms I'd built during childhood ā€“ those outdated patterns that no longer served my growth. I took a deep dive into my aspirations for the year, envisioning the development of a successful mental health business aimed at helping others unravel the root cause of their anxiety, build self-confidence, and unearth their life's purpose. Building more meaningful friendships with like-minded souls and intentionally nurturing myself also made it to the forefront of my vision.

The vision board became a canvas for mantras that now echo in my daily life ā€“ "move forward," "personal accountability," and "less thinking, more action." It's a reminder that my talents, strengths, and untapped energies won't realize their full potential unless I believe in myself and, most importantly, take action. Here's to manifesting dreams, breaking free from old patterns, and embracing the transformative power of a vision infused with tarot magic!

Manifesting Through Tarot Guidance

Navigating the current year, fueled by the dynamic blend of tarot wisdom and the visualized aspirations from my vision board, has been nothing short of empowering. The synergy between tarot guidance and concrete goals became a driving force, propelling me toward turning dreams into tangible reality.

Picture this ā€“ my vision board came to life just before the new year, and three months later, Own My Outcome was born! It's my brainchild, and the Love Affair With Myself Podcast, a dream nestled in the top 100 podcasts, is already gaining momentum with two episodes released and another one dropping this week, featuring the incredible Trish! But that's not all ā€“ fueled by my passion for storytelling, I've ventured into the world of blogging, and this post marks the fourth release.

In the academic realm, as a Georgetown University graduate student, I've been grinding, and so far, all Aā€™s. With the finish line in sight, I'm determined to graduate Summa Cum Laude come May 2024, making my vision a reality. It's all about putting those dreams into action. Now, let me be real ā€“ existential crises and self-doubt are still regular visitors, like uninvited houseguests. But the truth is, leveling up requires action, learning from the lessons, and embracing growth.

Navigating Challenges with Tarot Support

In the midst of uncertainty and setbacks, the wisdom woven into tarot readings has been my guiding light, offering both clarity and reassurance. The intuitive whispers have been a compass, helping me navigate challenges with resilience and grace, always keeping me aligned with my higher purpose.

During those crisis moments, tarot becomes my steadfast companion. I've learned to trust my intuition as a superpower, a beacon signaling whether I'm on the right path. Life's beauty lies in our free will, the power to shape our destinies. I've made a conscious choice to embrace the discomfort, take risks, and actively craft the fulfilling life I desire.

Tarot is my ally in the journey of personal growth and facing life's challenges. It's more than just flipping cards; it's about gaining clarity and taking actionable steps to tackle the obstacles before me. To enhance this process, I've crafted a list of journaling prompts tailored from my tarot readings. Each prompt serves as a guide, prompting me to go deeper into my thoughts, emotions, and potential solutions through the transformative practices of writing and self-reflection.


In weaving the transformative threads of tarot card readings into my journey of self-discovery and goal-setting, the result was a vision board for 2024 that echoed the deepest desires of my soul. My hope is that this narrative serves as an inspiration, urging you to venture into the mystical realms of tarot, align your goals with intuitive insights, and craft a vision board that mirrors the enchanting magic within you.

As you set forth on your own path toward growth, fulfillment, and purpose, trust in the profound wisdom that tarot cards can offer. Embrace the guidance they provide and allow them to illuminate your unique journey. Here's to unlocking the potential within, exploring the mysteries of tarot, and crafting a vision board that speaks to the very essence of your soul. May your path be adorned with self-discovery, purposeful fulfillment, and the magic that unfolds when intuition and aspiration intertwine. Cheers to the journey ahead!

Journal Prompts

Reflecting on Tarot Discoveries:

  • What was your initial reaction to the idea of incorporating Tarot into self-discovery and goal-setting?

  • Have you ever had a Tarot reading or considered trying it? If not, what reservations or curiosity do you have?

Personal Tarot Experiences:

  • Share a personal experience where you received guidance or insights from a Tarot reading, if any.

  • How do you resonate with the idea of Tarot as a tool for introspection and growth?

Exploring Different Perspectives:

  • Reflect on a time when you encountered different perspectives, similar to my experiences with Ween and Trish.

  • How did these encounters influence your outlook on challenges and personal growth?

Tarot and Intuition:

  • Consider my journey with intuition and trust in myself. How do you connect with your intuition, and in what areas of your life do you rely on it most?

Facing Inner Struggles:

  • Have you ever had a realization about yourself that you weren't initially ready to face? How did you navigate through it?

  • Reflect on my experience of addressing the fear of abandonment and the desire to be chosen. Are there similar patterns in your life that you want to explore?

Lessons Learned and Life Mantras:

  • Identify a lesson from the blog that resonated with you, such as the concept of being the chooser rather than wanting to be chosen.

  • What life mantras or affirmations could you adopt to navigate challenges and guide your choices?

Aligning Goals with Personal Values:

  • How do you currently align your goals with your values and intuition?

  • If you were to craft a vision board, what themes, mantras, or symbols would you include based on your personal values?

Crafting Your Own Vision Board:

  • Imagine creating your own vision board. What goals, aspirations, and themes would you include?

  • Consider the obstacles or patterns you might need to release to make room for new growth.

Manifestation Through Intention:

  • Reflect on the idea of bringing goals to life through intention and action, as mentioned in the blog.

  • How do you manifest your goals, and how can you strengthen the connection between intention and action?

Tarot as a Guiding Light:

  • Think about a challenging moment in your life. How might Tarot or other introspective practices act as a guiding light during times of uncertainty or setbacks?

  • How can you cultivate trust in your intuition and embrace discomfort as part of the journey toward personal growth?


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