My ADHD Diagnosis Journey


I recently had a heart-to-heart with a colleague who reached out to me after I shared about my experience with ADHD on LinkedIn. The conversation energized and inspired me, prompting me to dive into writing this blog post! So, what exactly is ADHD? Well, my psychiatrist humorously described it as potentially making me a bit manic at times (joking, but not really!), but in all seriousness, ADHD stands for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects behavior and cognitive functions. It's characterized by symptoms like inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, making it one of the most common neurobehavioral disorders. While often diagnosed in childhood, ADHD can persist into adulthood, leading to restlessness, difficulty focusing, organizing tasks, and controlling impulses.

Living with ADHD can significantly impact daily life, academic performance, and social interactions. Treatment options typically include medications, behavior therapy, counseling, and educational support tailored to manage symptoms and enhance quality of life. Collaborating closely with healthcare providers is key for individuals with ADHD to create a personalized treatment plan that meets their unique needs.

Raising awareness about ADHD is vital for individuals who often feel isolated and misunderstood (like I did). By shedding light on this disorder, we foster understanding, empathy, and support for those affected. Openly discussing ADHD creates a space for authenticity and acceptance, empowering individuals to embrace their differences without the fear of judgment. Increased awareness helps dismantle stigmas associated with ADHD, encourages early detection, and ensures individuals receive the necessary assistance to thrive. These conversations pave the way for a more inclusive and compassionate society where everyone feels valued and truly understood.

Initial Signs and Concerns

I remember the frustration of struggling to read, feeling like I was stuck in a never-ending loop of words that just wouldn't make sense. It was like being lost in a maze with no way out. Summer school, learning centers, detentions - they all became part of my routine, marking a path that felt like it led nowhere. In class, I acted out, trying to find a way to express the turmoil inside me.

As I grew older, those early challenges followed me into adulthood. Impulsive decisions became my escape, a temporary relief from the weight of not fitting in. The road I walked was bumpy, filled with moments I wish I could erase, decisions that seemed right at the time but left me with regrets.

But this journey isn't just mine; it's a story shared by many who have felt out of place and battled with self-doubt. The struggle to belong, to be understood - it's a universal theme that touches us all in different ways. These experiences shape us, molding us into stronger versions of ourselves.

Despite the hardships, there's a glimmer of hope in knowing that these struggles don't define us; they refine us. Each stumble, each setback, they become stepping stones on the path to resilience. By looking within and reaching out for support, we find the strength to navigate through the toughest times and emerge on the other side with newfound wisdom and courage.

Seeking Professional Help

I began cognitive therapy (talk therapy) around four years ago, steadily making progress on processing trauma, but over the past year, my anxiety spiraled out of control, affecting my sleep. I experienced episodes of sleepwalking, becoming violent, and even leaping out of bed in a frantic attempt to save my dog from a bomb I dreamt was in my bed. This led to an injury where I tore ligaments in my foot, requiring me to wear a boot for a month. Seeking help from a psychiatrist, I was diagnosed with a panic disorder.

After regular follow-up sessions and opening up about my childhood and symptoms, my psychiatrist identified that I have ADHD. Starting medication transformed my life - within a few months, I devoured 15 books! It was a revelation to feel so centered and "normal," realizing that learning and daily tasks didn't have to be a struggle. I wish I had known this sooner!

Seeking professional help was pivotal. While self-research is valuable, having an expert in this field provided validation and the relief of finally having answers. Cognitive behavioral therapy has its limits; ADHD is a neurological condition beyond our conscious control. It's been a journey of self-discovery and acceptance that has brought me newfound peace and understanding.

Coping Strategies and Support

Since my diagnosis, I've embraced various coping strategies. 

  • Daily Focusing: Dealing with context-switching and focus challenges led me to create my own To-Do List, which has been a game-changer. I need something super simple so that I do not get overwhelmed! I choose my categories like work, school, business, self-care, etc., and select the top 3 priorities in each section for the day. This keeps me focused, and I am much more productive this way! As a multi-passionate individual, I cannot fathom focusing on one thing day in and day out, so this keeps me focused and driven to complete tasks for all the different things I like to do.

  • Journaling: I rely on the reMarkable notebook for note-taking and journaling to combat distractions. Journaling has truly been my go-to for gaining insight into my emotions and self. For those interested, I offer a FREE Daily Wellness Log. Join my newsletter to get updates on future workbook releases!

  • Connecting with Fellow Neurospicy People: Connecting with like-minded individuals has been incredibly comforting. Finding a supportive community that understands me has made me feel less isolated. Therapy sessions are a weekly staple for me, and relatable memes online never fail to bring a smile to my face.

    These are a few of my favorite ADHD accounts on Instagram:

If you suspect you might be neurospicy like me, don't hesitate to seek help from a professional. Remember, there's nothing wrong with you, and reaching out can make a world of difference! I use and have found my current and past therapists on this site.

Embracing Your Diagnosis

After years of uncertainty and self-doubt, I finally found clarity through my ADHD diagnosis. It was like unlocking a door to understanding myself better, realizing that I am not "lazy, stupid, or crazy," as I once believed. This revelation, reminiscent of the insightful book "You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!" has been a transformative resource on my journey.

Since accepting my ADHD, a remarkable shift has occurred in my self-perception. The once-hidden insecurities have given way to newfound self-confidence. Instead of denying who I am, I now embrace my authentic self wholeheartedly. I've come to see ADHD not as a flaw but as my SUPERPOWER, offering me a unique perspective on the world that sets me apart from the neurotypical crowd. This realization has unveiled a level of intelligence within me that I never fully recognized before. Gratitude fills me for this diagnosis, for it has gifted me with a newfound appreciation for my abilities.

To those who may be struggling with similar challenges, I urge you to embrace your uniqueness and strengths. Despite the hurdles that come with ADHD, it is essential to recognize the extraordinary qualities it brings. Let your differences shine brightly, for they are what make you exceptional. By accepting and celebrating our individuality, we can harness our strengths and thrive in a world that benefits from diverse perspectives.


From the initial struggles of feeling lost in a maze of words and acting out in class to navigating impulsive decisions in adulthood, the journey with ADHD has been a challenging yet transformative one. Seeking professional help, including therapy and medication, was pivotal in unraveling the complexities of ADHD and finding effective coping strategies. Embracing the diagnosis not as a flaw but as a superpower has led to newfound self-confidence and a deeper understanding of personal strengths.

To those facing similar challenges, remember that struggles do not define you but refine you. Each setback is an opportunity for growth and resilience. Seeking help and support is not a sign of weakness but a courageous step toward understanding and managing ADHD. Embrace your uniqueness, celebrate your strengths, and know you are not alone in this journey.

Living with ADHD is a journey marked by resilience, hope, and empowerment. By accepting and celebrating individual differences, we can harness the strengths that come with ADHD and thrive in a world that values diverse perspectives. Remember, ADHD is not a limitation but a unique lens through which to view the world. Stay resilient, seek support when needed, embrace the journey with hope and empowerment, and most importantly STAY SPICY!

Journal Prompts for Reflection

  1. Initial Challenges: Reflect on a time when you felt lost or struggled to express yourself. How did those challenges shape your journey?

  2. Seeking Help: Have you ever sought professional help for mental health concerns? How did this experience impact your understanding of yourself?

  3. Coping Strategies: What coping mechanisms have you developed to navigate difficult situations or manage daily tasks? How effective have these strategies been for you?

  4. Embracing Differences: In what ways do you celebrate your uniqueness and individual strengths? How has accepting your differences influenced your self-perception?

  5. Hope and Resilience: Think about a time when you faced adversity and emerged stronger. How did that experience shape your resilience and outlook on life?

  6. Personal Growth: Reflect on how challenges, setbacks, or diagnoses have contributed to your personal growth and self-discovery. What lessons have you learned along the way?

  7. Empowerment: Consider how embracing your vulnerabilities and strengths can empower you to navigate life's complexities with confidence and authenticity.

  8. Support System: Describe the importance of having a supportive community or seeking help from professionals in times of need. How has this support influenced your journey?

  9. Gratitude: Reflect on moments of gratitude for the insights, strengths, or opportunities that have arisen from facing challenges or embracing differences.

  10. Moving Forward: Envision how you can continue to grow, thrive, and inspire others by embracing your unique qualities and experiences in a world that values diversity and resilience.


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