Identifying and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs


Limiting beliefs are like invisible chains that hold us back from reaching our full potential. They are the thoughts and assumptions we hold about ourselves and our abilities that constrain our growth and keep us from achieving our goals. Identifying and overcoming these beliefs is crucial for personal development and success. In this blog post, we will explore how to recognize limiting beliefs and strategies to overcome them.

Understanding Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs often originate from past experiences, societal influences, or the opinions of others. They can manifest as negative self-talk, such as "I’m not good enough," "I don't deserve success," or "I can't change." These beliefs create a mental barrier that prevents us from taking risks, seizing opportunities, and realizing our true potential.

Common Sources of Limiting Beliefs

  1. Childhood Experiences: The things we learn and experience as children can have a profound impact on our self-perception. Negative comments from parents, teachers, or peers can lead to the development of limiting beliefs.

  2. Societal Expectations: Society often imposes expectations on us based on gender, race, or socioeconomic status. These expectations can create a narrow view of what we can achieve.

  3. Past Failures: Experiencing failure can reinforce the belief that we are incapable of succeeding. This fear of failure can prevent us from trying again.

  4. Negative Relationships: Being in relationships where we are emotionally manipulated or gaslighted can severely impact our self-worth and create limiting beliefs about our value and capabilities.

Steps to Identify Limiting Beliefs

  1. Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on your thoughts and behaviors. Notice when you have negative self-talk or when you avoid certain situations. Ask yourself why you think or act this way.

  2. Journal Your Thoughts: Writing down your thoughts can help you see patterns in your thinking. When you notice a negative thought, jot it down and reflect on its origin.

  3. Challenge Assumptions: Question the validity of your beliefs. Are they based on facts or assumptions? Would you say these things to a friend?

  4. Seek Feedback: Talk to trusted friends or a therapist. They can provide an outside perspective and help you identify beliefs you might not be aware of.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

  1. Reframe Negative Thoughts: When you catch yourself thinking a limiting thought, reframe it into a positive one. For example, change "I can't do this" to "I am capable of learning how to do this."

  2. Visualize Success: Visualization can be a powerful tool. Spend time imagining yourself succeeding and achieving your goals. This can help shift your mindset from doubt to possibility.

  3. Set Small Goals: Break down your larger goals into smaller, manageable steps. Achieving these smaller goals can build your confidence and weaken limiting beliefs.

  4. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Understand that everyone has doubts and fears, but they don’t have to define you. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small.

  5. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Connect with like-minded individuals who support and encourage you. Their positive influence can help you challenge and overcome your limiting beliefs.

My Personal Experience

As someone who has dealt with anxiety, depression, and past emotional manipulation, I understand the weight of limiting beliefs. For a long time, I let these beliefs dictate my actions and choices. For example, subconsciously, I have been trained that I have to work to be loved. So that’s why I look like a psychopath doing a million things at once. I had the belief that if I didn’t do it all - buy the house, get a good job, get a master’s degree, etc. I wouldn’t be loved. THAT IS NOT TRUE. Every day I have to show up for myself and love myself first. That’s the key. You are loved and accepted no matter what. You do not have to earn love. It is freely given to yourself, by you, every day.

However, through self-reflection, therapy, and support from my community, I’ve learned to recognize these beliefs and challenge them. Now, I won’t say that I am at 100% because every day you have to show up and do the work. It’s called work for a reason! Yes, I, too, wish there was a magic wand that would make us clear of any issues, BUT that’s not the reality. Showing up for yourself every day is the key, and if you can’t, then hold the space for yourself to not be ok in the moment. Let those emotions pass and be kind to yourself. You are a human being, and you are on your own life path and journey. BE KIND TO YOURSELF :)

Deep breathing exercises and paying attention to my body’s stress signals have been incredibly helpful. When I notice my jaw clenching or my shoulders tensing, I take a moment to breathe deeply and remind myself that I am in control of my thoughts and reactions. Embracing positive affirmations and setting healthy boundaries has also empowered me to move past my limiting beliefs.

Moving Forward with Self-Compassion

Overcoming limiting beliefs is not an overnight process, but it is a journey worth taking. By identifying these beliefs and actively working to challenge and change them, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities. Remember, you are capable of achieving greatness, and your beliefs should propel you forward, not hold you back. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and growth, and watch as you transform your life.

Call to Action

  1. If you found this blog helpful, check out my other posts on healthy relationships and self-care. If you're struggling, consider reaching out to a therapist or support group for help.

  2. Purchase my Anxiety Management Workbook - This self-reflection workbook is designed to help you navigate and manage anxiety through self-reflection, practical techniques, and insightful tarot spreads.

  3. Listen to my podcast for my personal story on this topic in Episode 10! Also, subscribe to YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode.

  4. Next Steps:

    • Work With Me: Set up an introductory 15-minute call with me to discuss your action plan and how I can help you achieve your goals.

    • Visit The Website: Find a wealth of resources, including detailed articles, guides, and tips on tarot and personal growth.

    • Read The Blog: Stay updated with the latest insights and advice on tarot, inner child healing, and self-improvement.

    • Listen to The Podcast: Tune in for engaging discussions and interviews with experts in the field.

    • Explore The Products and Services: Discover a range of offerings designed to support your journey, from personalized tarot readings to coaching sessions.

    • Join Our Community: Connect with like-minded individuals, share your experiences, and grow together on Instagram and TikTok! Like and follow me!!


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