
For years, I found myself trapped in a vicious cycle of anxiety and insomnia, exacerbated by a tumultuous relationship marked by night violence and psychological manipulation. My ex-partner's method of punishment was particularly insidious: the silent treatment. This form of emotional manipulation would often escalate my anxiety, leaving me sleepless and desperate for peace. In this blog post, I want to share my journey from those dark nights to a place of healing, where journaling, medication, and self-confidence became my beacons of hope.

The Silent Treatment and Its Toll

Being in a romantic relationship with someone who uses the silent treatment as a weapon can be a profoundly isolating experience. The silence was deafening, especially at night when the world outside was quiet. My ex would ignore me for days, leaving me to question my worth and sanity. The constant uncertainty gnawed at my mind, making it impossible to sleep. The fear of night violence in my sleep—further compounded my anxiety.

During those nights, my mind would race with self-doubt and fear. My heart pounding, my thoughts spiraling out of control. The more I tried to force myself to sleep, the more elusive it became. Insomnia was not just a symptom of anxiety; it became a source of anxiety itself.

Finding Solace in Journaling

In the depths of my sleepless nights, I turned to journaling as a lifeline. Writing became a way to process my emotions and make sense of the chaos within. I started by simply jotting down my thoughts and feelings, pouring my heart onto the pages. It was a way to release the pent-up tension and confront the fears that haunted me.

Journaling helped me identify patterns in my thoughts and behaviors. I began to see how the silent treatment and night violence were affecting my mental health. By acknowledging these patterns, I could start to take steps to protect myself. I created my own Red Flags Workbook and used a daily template for setting intentions, incorporating Tarot insights to gain clarity and guidance.

Embracing Medication: Lexapro

As I continued my journey of self-discovery and healing, I realized that I needed more support to manage my anxiety. I had always been hesitant about taking medication, fearing it would be a sign of weakness. But through therapy, I learned that there is no shame in using medication to aid in my recovery.

I started taking Lexapro, after a panic disorder diagnosis, an antidepressant that helped stabilize my mood and reduce the overwhelming anxiety that kept me up at night. It wasn't an overnight fix, but gradually, I began to notice a difference. The constant knot of anxiety in my chest started to loosen, and I could approach my challenges with a clearer mind.

Building Self-Confidence

One of the most transformative aspects of my journey was rebuilding my self-confidence. I had to confront the root causes of why I tolerated the toxic behavior in my relationship. Through therapy, I worked on understanding my worth and setting boundaries.

I developed a red flags workbook to help me identify and avoid toxic relationship patterns. This tool was instrumental in rebuilding my self-esteem and empowering me to make healthier choices. I also connected with like-minded individuals who supported my growth and celebrated my progress.

Breaking the Insomnia Cycle

With journaling, medication, and self-confidence, I started to break free from the insomnia cycle. I created a nightly routine that included deep breathing exercises and white noise on Spotify to soothe my mind. Paying attention to my body's reactions to stress, like jaw clenching and shoulder shrugging, helped me address anxiety before it escalated.

Over time, I began to experience restful nights again. The fear and anxiety that once consumed me no longer had the same power. I reclaimed my nights and, with them, my sense of peace and well-being.

Moving Forward with Self-Compassion

Breaking the insomnia cycle and overcoming anxiety was not an easy journey, but it was a necessary one. By embracing journaling, medication, and self-confidence, I found my way back to restful sleep and a healthier state of mind. If you are struggling with anxiety and insomnia, know that you are not alone. There is hope, and there are tools and strategies that can help you reclaim your nights and your life.

Call to Action

  1. If you found this blog helpful, check out my other posts on healthy relationships and self-care. If you're struggling, consider reaching out to a therapist or support group for help.

  2. Purchase my Red Flags Workbook - This workbook is designed to help you identify red flags, explore why you accept them and gain valuable insights about yourself. If you need help interpreting the tarot cards, purchase my Tarot Cheat Sheet!

  3. Listen to my podcast for my personal story on this topic in Episode 18! Also, subscribe to YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode.

  4. Next Steps:

    • Work With Me: Set up an introductory 15-minute call with me to discuss your action plan and how I can help you achieve your goals.

    • Visit The Website: Find a wealth of resources, including detailed articles, guides, and tips on tarot and personal growth.

    • Read The Blog: Stay updated with the latest insights and advice on tarot, inner child healing, and self-improvement.

    • Listen to The Podcast: Tune in for engaging discussions and interviews with experts in the field.

    • Explore The Products and Services: Discover a range of offerings designed to support your journey, from personalized tarot readings to coaching sessions.

    • Join Our Community: Connect with like-minded individuals, share your experiences, and grow together on Instagram and TikTok! Like and follow me!!


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